Safe Return to Play
The Fai have now given all clubs the go-ahead to retutrn to football once we practise a number of Safety Protocols at every Training and Game. The full protocol can be found on the FAI Website
Below are the mandatory steps anyone attending training must completer
Covid Compliance Officer
In order for the Club to Return to Football, we have appointed Christy Kavanagh as the Club COVID Compliance Officer. Christy will oversee that each teams COVID officer is complying with all safety protocols
Training and Playing Safe Declaration.
Every week prior to training and matches you must self Declare you or your child is safe to be there. This is mandatory The form is bellow
Online COVID 19 Declaration
Currently, only teams listed in the form can apply online. All other items please print out the form above and bring with you. This form must be submitted before every training and match.
Team Covid officer
Each team will have a team COVID officer together with the coach it is their responsibility to ensure all safety protocols are followed. Before each game or Training they must complete a COVID checklist and return to Christy
Ten Rules of Covid Sport
1. All players MUST produce signed Health declaration before every training session. This is recorded by the club covid officers and NO player will be granted permission to train or play without producing this form.
2. As per FAI guidelines there will be training restrictions on the number of players/coaches per pitch. Up to U12s is 18 people, U13s to U18s is 22 people which included coaches.
3. Only travel to training and matches alone or with your family members. Please arrive 5 mins early for training and 5 mins early after.
4. No parents to remain at the training pitch. If you need to please inform team manager otherwise please return to your car. Parents can collect players from the pitch after training but again must keep social distancing.
5. You must bring your own water bottle to training and on match day. NO sharing of water bottles.
6. Sanitiser will be available at each training session and on match day. Each player must sanitise their hands before and after each session.
7. All players must come ready to train. Dressing rooms are out of bounds
8. After each session please leave the grounds as quickly as possible.
9. If you have travelled abroad or someone in your family has please follow government guidelines and stay at home. If you have any symptoms of Covid 19 you MUST STAY AT HOME and contact your GP straight away.
10. Each team has a selected Covid officer. If you have any questions or concerns please contact them or the manager of the team.
Keep safe and have fun upon your return to football!